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Why We Do What We Do

Her first words to me were, “I can’t do this anymore, I feel like I am going crazy.” I saw her sitting in the back church pew, crying during the service. The Pastor, noticing her distress, introduced us. As she shared her story, I told her, “It’s going be okay; I am going to walk with you”. Her tears transitioned from those of despair to ones of relief. I watched the stress leave her body as she experienced her first sense of hope.


Over several months, I helped her examine her strengths and recognize areas where she needed support. As she shared more of her story, she revealed abuse, as well as prison time. We addressed her past choices, the reasons for them and created a plan for a new beginning.


Her new beginning started when she decided to commit to the necessary work, hoping to live the life she thought was not possible. Even though there were times of challenges and stumbles, she never quit. She never gave up on herself.

Nine months since the first day we met, she is now certified as a Peer Recovery Specialist, helping others who have struggled like her. For the first time EVER, she is no longer on Food Stamps or Welfare. She’s driving her own car and living with the family she always dreamed of.


The beginning of her story is not unique, and the end of her story doesn’t have to be either. The well watered soul is here to help.

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